Thanks a lot for your mobilization !

by / Tuesday, 26 January 2016 / Published in Uncategorized

We are extremely glad to receive donations for our project. Everyone is now well informed that Top 10 DXCC countries are not easy to activate, sometime because of difficult access, their political situation or extremely high budget needed to organize an expedition.

Juan de Nova has been for a long time in the list of these islands activated regularly by scientists, mostly members of the french meteorological agency and sometime by militaries. The last important activity was in 2001. Nearly 14 years of silence for an island located in the indian ocean, not very far from other very common DXCC entities. It is true, this small island is about 100km from the western coast of Madagascar ! So, why is it so complicated and expensive to go there ?

Well, first of all, it is a question of obtaining a permit. Like other island, JDN is administered by a separate administation in charge of these lands. Most of them are natural reserves to keep these places as wild as possible. These territories are often regarded as reference (level 0) in term of human impact.. Millions of birds can lay in peace, just like the turtles. It would be a nonsense to authorize expeditions each year or a regular human presence.

After our 2014 operation from Tromelin, the TAAF administration decided to accept our permit request, probably because of the mutual confidence and the very positive relationship established.

From one place to another, the constraints are differents and we had to reconsider a certain number of aspects of the operation. Air transport used in 2014 was not possible, in particular because of the volume/weight of freight to be transported. The assistance received (transport of the crates prior to the operation) for Tromelin was not possible this year. Consequently, we had to book a maritime solution by requesting a ship authorized to station in the lagoon and to transport us. It represents, with the various taxes approximately 70% of the budget.

The cost of our energy autonomy is also important since we must convey several generators and electrical installation as well as the fuel (10-15%). For an operation of this size, these expenses are not easily compressible, more especially as we need to respect precise conditions, to which we will not derogate.

On the other hand, we tried to optimize our expenditures and purchases as well as possible and to employ as much as possible personnal equipments available or lent by our generous sponsors. Although the team (10 operators) finances a good part of the expedition, which is completely logical, we launched an appeal towards fundations, clubs, associations as well as individual DX’ ers. It is undeniable that this mobilization made it possible to advance in the organization and that without this one our expedition would have remained at the state of simple project.

With you, contributors, sponsors or member of one of associations/clubs/foundations which help us, we draw you a great praise.

On the various continents, the mobilization needs to go on to keep supporting our team but we are already very proud and happy in front of as many generosity and expressions of sympathy.

Who said that Ham Spirit did not exist any more?

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