50k QSOs reached

by / Monday, 04 April 2016 / Published in Uncategorized

Hello from JDN,

all is going pretty well. We reached last night the 50K qso and we continue to run the pile-up that are at certain time of the day really big. We try to exploit the bands from their opening till the end of the propagation. This allow us to work all continents from East to West and log many unique callsigns.

We have to report a lot of dupes in the log, despite of the online-log that is available on ClubLog. We ask you not to call again until the log is online in order to let a chance to the other stations.

Last night was very noisy on low bands and even with RX antennas we met difficulties to pick up calls. We’ll keep our efforts every night up to the end of the operation.

Weather is still good but heat is terrible in absence of wind. In the shelters we are well over the 50°celcius during many hours of the day. This makes the operation complicated and we are taking regular short breaks to fresh-up a bit.

To conclude we remind everyone that operator’s instructions have a real  importance ! Fighting during 5 minutes to keep the pile-up QRX is a waste of energy and we would really appreciate a better cooperation.

See you on the air if you did not make the contact yet !