FT4JA – video presentation

by / Sunday, 16 October 2016 / Published in Uncategorized

Since our return of Juan de Nova, we did not spare our efforts to answer various waitings and requests. The main was the realization and the shipping of the QSL cards via the philatelic circuit of the TAAF.
To date, the last envelopes especially printed for our expedition are in transit and must arrive to their recipients in the next days.
The French and English reports were published in several magazines as well as in multitudes of Web sites and bulletins.
Lastly, the team members went in several countries to present in detail the expedition and to let you discover Juan de Nova. Each time the returns were unanimous and very positive. There is no doubt that the spectators integrated the characteristics and constraints related to the organization of an amateur radio operation on such an island.

We did not reveal up to now the video of our mission in order to give exclusiveness to the people having attended the presentations carried out by the team. It is with pleasure that we share it today at the following adress:

Let’s hope that you took as much pleasure than us in this adventure. Even if some subjects remain open, we turn the page of Juan de Nova 2016 and we give you a rendezvous for a forthcoming expedition !