Bad propagation, good weather!

by / Wednesday, 06 April 2016 / Published in Uncategorized

Propagation seems to decrease from day to day. Signals on high bands are not what they were last week. Bands are also closing earlier. The last days we even had no opening with NA on 20, while the band stayed opened all night long the days before.
More than ever this is the right time to send your observation to your local pilot. We take into consideration all useful comments to plan our activities.

Good news, thanks to a better weather today, the 160m antenna has been fixed.

At the time I’m writing this news, we are working on 10 – 12 and 15m with NA, we will stay until bands close. We have checked with W6 long path on 21 at 14-15z with no success, there is another opportunity tomorrow morning around 4z for the LP on 17-20m.

For that night the plans will depends on the propagation on 17-20. But if possible we will work AS-OC, then EU, and finally NA/SA. Same as last night we will also be on 40-30- 80 and of course 160m.

We try to upload logs as frequently as possible to prevent for dupes. The 15m plan with two stations all time provided many uniques with nearly 17 000QSOs on that band, with long opening world wide.

We are focused to get you in our log, good luck !